Frendilove is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service and products. We hope that you will cherish the pieces you receive as much as we do. Because every item is handmade and special, all of our items are unique by the way it was made. Every item is kept safe and in one piece and as it is impossible to repurpose our items or re-distribute after refund or exchange as well as our items are not made for mass production and almost every item is limited to 1 or 2 replicas.
In case, if you decide to refund or exchange the item, you can do it before 14 days since date of the purchase. Refund fee is 25$ from the cost of the item. Please take into account that refund will be fulfilled in 10 days after receipt of the parcel. No refunds will be issued for an item returned in a used/damaged condition or without the pouches and boxes.
Sale items are non-returnable/refundable only exchangeable. Items on clearance, 50% sale or more are non-returnable/exchangeable.
Earrings, swimwears, face masks and pre-ordered items are non-returnable/exchangeable.